
Showing posts from December, 2016

Hebrew Alphabets

Spiritual Meanings of the Hebrew Alphabet Letters Hebrew letters are not just ordinary letters. Each letter is a symbol, full of many inner meanings, from literal straightforward meaning, to deeper spiritual meaning. Understanding the letters provides essential insight into the deeper meanings of the Torah or the Bible. After studying the letters in depth it is not uncommon for many people to feel that the letters express some direct spiritual communication that goes beyond words. In kabbalistic circles, meditation on the letters is commonly practiced to encourage this type of rapport with the letters. Looking into the deeper meanings of the letters can transform and deepen our learning and can lead us to deeper levels of spiritual experience. Kabbalists will study for many years to realize the great inner spiritual meanings of the letters, so it is important to realize that this article is a tiny entry point into a deeper field of study, which could be followed for a

Scripture difficulties explained

Difficult Texts Explained Gen 1:1 "In the beginning," etc. It is not said whether this "beginning" was the commencement of time, or far back of the creation of man, and long before the present geological period. Gen 1:5 "And God called the light day," etc. Though the sun was not made until the fourth day, it is not true that there could be no day without the sun, as some have affirmed. By recent discoveries (or rather the recent revival of old ones) we are taught to believe that light does not consist in certain particles coming to us in a direct ray from the sun, or any other luminous body, but is a subtle fluid diffused through all space, and capable of being acted on in a thousand various ways. It is not said that the sun, as a body, was created on the fourth day, but only that it was then appointed for a special purpose. Gen 1:26 "Let us make man in our own image," etc.-that is, naturall