
Showing posts from June, 2015

Scripture difficulties

Introduction Like all other ancient writings, the Holy Scriptures present many difficulties. Some of these are not easy of solution, while others may be satisfactorily explained. The existence of difficulties in such a book was to be expected, and therefore cannot be wondered at. It is a matter of astonishment, indeed, that there are not more found in it. This must be evident to any one on reflecting that "the books of Scripture were written by different persons, in almost every variety of circumstance; that they refer to people whose customs and habits were totally dissimilar to our own; that they narrate histories of which we possess no other authentic documents which might reflect light on some obscurity of expression or vagueness of description; that they were written in other languages than those in which we now possess them; and that, in addition to the mutability of language, there are the difficulties of translation out of one tongue into another." The proper spi

50,000 errors in a Bible by jw rebuked

"50,000 errors in a Bible". First we point out that this non-Christian cult had just released their own Bible called "the New World translation ". It is more a sectarian paraphrase of the Bible, than a true translation, which has been universally condemned as a perversion of the original Greek and Hebrew by everyone who is not a member of this cult. Because the Greek manuscripts and English translations of all other Bibles contradicts "watchtower doctrine", but cult had no choice but to produce a version of the Bible themselves that did teach their doctrine. So the article was written as a cheap self-serving diatribe against all other Bibles, and to provide blind praise for their newly unveiled Bible. (If we can call it that.) Having said this, we must draw the Muslim's attention to the fact that these alleged 50,000 errors, which are never specifically identified, exist not in the original Greek manuscripts but claimed to be in the English transl