Yahweh & Yahshua
Our Father and Creator has a Name, and His Son and our Saviour bears His Name. We have found out through our studies and the Holy Spirit being our witness that this is true. The Father's Name is Yahweh, His Son's Name is Yahshua. We've heard some people admit, that His Name is Yahweh. But they say it doesn't matter what we call Him. Or that lord and god, el and elohim is His Name. Some believe that jehovah or adonai is the Father's Name. And that jesus is the Son's Name. We will prove that calling the Father any other Name but Yahweh, the Son any other Name but Yahshua, is a "deception of satan." We will first address the words lord or god being the Father's Name. Any dictionary can give you the meaning of these words, which states that lord is a title which gives ownership, in Unger's Bible Dictionary by Merrill F. Unger, states that this word is not properly a divine title. What we mean is, men are known as lords (rulers). We know that Ya...